Happy November! I've been so inspired by lots of fall fruits and events lately, everyone is as busy as little bees....I really enjoyed Pie Party Live hosted by Jackie & Ken -- great job, guys! I even won a copy of the Sarabeth's Bakery Cookbook, hurray!! I'd been meaning to make a pie (or 2!) but being sick for the whole month of October threw a wrench into my plans. Eventually I got back to canning with some black grapes and red plums from a recipe in Canning for a New Generation. Love how the kitchen smells when fruit is simmering...
Winnie suggested a way to use up a bunch of kumquats: candy them with cinnamon sticks and star anise, yum.
I also love her post because she rounds up some great DIY gifts. One of my favorite things about canning is that it makes such nice, little presents.
and (I admit) used store bought pie dough to save some time -- NOT as good I agree, but infinitely faster.
And pretty quickly we had a bunch of hand pies!
They were best right out of the oven of course.
But I had to wrap up a few
for little breakfast presents the next day.

More canning adventures soon, I'm having so much fun!